Police Band ready for Christmas concerts
November 29, 2013

Police Band ready for Christmas concerts

Instead of presenting just a melodious package for their annual Christmas concerts, the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force Band will this year be seeking to educate its patrons about musical instruments.{{more}}

This year’s series of concerts begins on December 2, with the first gig to be held at Clare Valley.

The band’s fully packed schedule continues through to December 23, with performances in various communities across the island.

The final concerts will be held at the Mental Health Centre and the Lewis Punnett Home.

“During the concert, members of the band will be engaged in an educational session where they will inform members of the gathering about the specific instrument each member plays. We will be telling them the names, the role of instrument, type of instrument and the history behind the instrument. Persons who don’t know the difference between a saxophone and a trombone will get to know,” band leader, Station Sergeant Bernard Haynes told SEARCHLIGHT on Tuesday.

“We are encouraging persons, especially the youth, to learn to play an instrument, because we’ve realized that most young people gravitate to joining a band and some schools have a lot of instruments, but no one wants to play them.

“So, our basic goal this year is to get people to know more and love musical instruments,” the band leader added.

Station Sergeant Haynes, who has been a member of the band for 34 years, also revealed that the 29-member band will also be performing renditions of Christmas songs in the form of jazz music, a new addition to the concert as well.

“The public will also be given a chance to perform also, whether singing or playing an instrument. A competition for children will also be part of the concert.

“Children will be called to sing a song and the best performer will be given a prize. The public will be the judge.

“So it is going to be interactive, educational and entertaining Christmas concerts this year,” Haynes said.

The band leader also disclosed that preparations for the concerts are progressing smoothly and that the band is ready.

“We ready, yes! We have recently completed practice sessions with some of the prisoners, because the prison will be having a concert this year on December 22. And we have already done our rehearsal for the opening of our concert on the December 2, and we are ready,” he further stated.

The Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force Band was formed in June 1951.