Petersville Primary  School’s aim is to produce  well-rounded students
November 15, 2013

Petersville Primary School’s aim is to produce well-rounded students

Shortly after retiring from teaching in 1965, Edna Peters decided that the slow, relaxed life that came along with retirement was not for her.{{more}}

It was therefore on October 6 of that year, that Peters established one of the oldest private primary schools in St Vincent and the Grenadines, the Petersville Primary School.

After starting with only 30 students in the downstairs of the Peters’ family home at Kingstown Park, the Petersville Primary School has grown significantly over the years, to accommodate 260 students from across the country.

Present headmistress Roslyn Peters told SEARCHLIGHT that Petersville is like family.

“It’s a small primary school and so we know each child in the school. It’s like a family,” she said.

“Sometimes children are here until six in the afternoon and we take care of them…we keep them here until the parents come”.

Roslyn, who took over from her mother in 1977, also highlighted the school’s focus on producing well-rounded students.

As a result, students are exposed to a variety of extra-curricular activities and clubs which include Brownies, Cub Scouts, drumming and football.

Furthermore, educational tours are an event that the pupils can look forward to.

“We believe that the school is not only confined to the classroom, so we do a lot of educational tours. Not only in St Vincent, but in the Caribbean and we’ve already done three tours to Disney World and we are doing a fourth, next year July,” the headmistress said.

As one of the few private primary schools in the country, Roslyn stated that her staff of 13 works extremely hard.

“Our teachers understand fully well that they are being paid by the parents, because we are being non-assisted by the Government. It’s a private school and so they know they have to work. If you don’t do work, then you can’t get paid and so they work hard,” she said.

Additionally, Roslyn pointed out that the school has performed exceptionally well at the Common Entrance Examinations over the years.

The headmistress also boasted of other successes, including winning the National Insurance Services (NIS) National Public Speaking competition last year.

This title was awarded to Grade 6 student Divya Singh, who is also one of the current headgirls at the school.

Having taught at Petersville for at least 34 years, Alvin Veira attests to the school’s many achievements.

“We have been doing well at Common Entrance Examinations…we do not cater to education alone. We cater to well-rounded students,” he said, while mentioning some past students that have gone on to do extremely well.

In 2015, Petersville will celebrate its 50th anniversary.

“We are hoping that our past students will come together so that we can have a grand occasion,” Roslyn declared. “It will be the first private primary school to reach such a milestone”.

Preparations for the event have already begun and the staff is hoping that the occasion will be an eventful one.