Dr J.P. Eustace Memorial wins October Quiz
November 12, 2013

Dr J.P. Eustace Memorial wins October Quiz

Following their win in the Secondary Schools’ Bible Quiz in September, another student of the Dr J.P. Eustace Memorial Secondary School has won the Quiz for October. First form student Alyah Bailey received her prize of a Bible, $100 cash and gift vouchers from Acute Cosmetics at the school’s assembly on Monday, November 11.{{more}}

On presenting the prize, Joel Jack, coordinator of the project, encouraged the students to value the time they spend weekly at assembly and to be thankful to Almighty God. Among the many reasons we have to be thankful, he noted, is that we are close to the end of the Atlantic Hurricane Season for 2013 and we have not been severely impacted by any events. He also urged those assembled to spare a thought for the people of the Philippines in their time of major crisis.

All students of secondary schools in the state are encouraged to participate in the SSBQ monthly. It can be accessed, among other ways, by reading the first weekend SEARCHLIGHT each month or by going online to www.ssbq.org.