November 1, 2013

Tax-free barrels from November 18

For the thirteenth consecutive year, Vincentians will benefit from the tax-free concessions offered on barrels imported during the Christmas season.{{more}}

During his Independence Day address at the Victoria Park last Sunday, Prime Minster Dr Ralph Gonsalves proclaimed, to cheers and applause, that the tax free concessions will start on Monday, November 18, and run until December 31, 2013.

The Prime Minister acknowledged that the tax break brings Christmas cheer to thousands of Vincentians, pointing out that 18,000 barrels were cleared during the concessional period last year.

Vincentians were given a one week extension on the concession last year, after Gonsalves said that persons had encountered problems clearing their barrels.

During the concessions period, households in St Vincent and the Grenadines are allowed to import a maximum of three pieces at a reduced rate. All additional pieces are charged at the regular fee.

In 2011, 13,199 barrels came to SVG during the Christmas season, and 11,165 entered during the same period in 2010.(JJ)