LIME town hall meeting  reaches Georgetown
October 18, 2013

LIME town hall meeting reaches Georgetown

The momentum is steadily picking up for telecommunications provider LIME, as they continue to hold their town hall meetings.{{more}}

The Georgetown Parish Hall was the venue for the meeting held on Saturday, October 12, which saw LIME senior management, staff, and community members identifying ways in which the company could partner with groups to assist on the area’s development.

General manager Leslie Jack, as in the previous meetings in Owia and Barrouallie, wasted no time in making immediate assurances, to show his company’s commitment to helping in the community’s development.

Jack promised LIME mobile phones to a group of women involved in the poultry farming industry.

Their phone plans will allow them to keep in contact with each other through unlimited calls, as well as help them to secure clients and customers for their fledgling enterprise.

Other areas of assistance for the women in their business were also discussed, with further discussions to follow.

Community members and groups also highlighted the need for assistance in refurbishing the Georgetown Government School, the placing of garbage disposal units in strategic areas, sponsorship of a football tournament, and a special request by Anglican priest Father Kari Xavier Marcelle for a stove to be supplied to assist in the parish feeding programme.

Jack promised that he and his company would do their best to assist in the areas mentioned, and said that he would call other partners on board to assist.

He further stressed his and LIME’s commitment to working along with communities, in order to play their part in the development of St Vincent and the Grenadines, one community at a time.

The next LIME town hall meeting takes place tomorrow at the Questelles Adult and Continuing Education Centre, beginning at 4 p.m.