August 16, 2013

St Joseph’s Convent Kingstown performs well in CXC/CSEC

For the 2013 CXC/CSEC Examinations, the St Joseph’s Convent Kingstown obtained an overall pass rate of 88.27 per cent in 25 subject areas.{{more}}

In a press release from the school said, “When compared with 2012, the students’ performance shows consistency in its overall percentage pass of 88.27 per cent with 100 per cent passes in 12 subject areas.”

Those 12 subject areas include: Clothing and Textiles, Economics, Electronic Document Preparation Management , Information Technology, Integrated Science, Music, Office Administration, Physical Education and Sport, Physics, Social Studies, Spanish and Visual Arts.

Subjects with passes of over 90 percent include; English A (95.7 percent), Food and Nutrition (96.4 percent), Home Economics Management (94.7 percent), Principles of Accounts (92.3 percent) and Principles of Business (95.7 percent).

Some of this year’s most outstanding performers include Italia Caesar, Ronika Douglas, Maxine Gabriel and Aura Magat.

Caesar obtained eight subjects with six grade ones and two grade twos; Douglas obtained nine subjects with five grade ones, three grade twos and a three.

For her nine subjects, Gabriel obtained five grade ones, two grade twos, and two grade threes; Magat obtained nine subjects with four ones, four twos and a three.

Aleisha De Freitas and Michele De Freitas were the two students who obtained

passes in 10 subject areas. Aleisha obtained three grade ones, five grade twos and two grade threes, while Michele obtained two grade ones, six grade twos and two grade threes.

The release further stated that of the 70 students who sat the exam, two students passed 10 subjects, 12 students passed nine, 14 passed eight and others passed six and seven subjects.

“This is a very good performance from the students. The teachers must be commended for their dedication, hard work and patience in preparing the students. One of the challenges we face this year, which impacted negatively on our overall performance was the prolonged absenteeism of a few students. We will continue to encourage our girls to aim for excellence to improve the quality of their grades. However, parents also need to play their role in ensuring that students are regular in their attendance at school if we are to adequately prepare them for external exams,” the release stated.