Vincy Day USA 2013 draws nearer
August 9, 2013

Vincy Day USA 2013 draws nearer

Following the successful hosting of the inaugural event, the second annual Vincy Day USA is drawing near and Vincentians in the diaspora are anxiously awaiting Saturday, August 17,{{more}} when they will converge on Heckscher State Park in Long Island from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., for a day of fellowship and fun.

In keeping with the motto “Together as one”, the event is a non-commercial affair where there will be absolutely no selling, only sharing.

In true picnic style, Vincentians will share food and beverages with others, some of whom they had not seen in many years.

Persons can expect to be treated to an all-Vincentian cast of entertainment – from steel-pan, gospel singers, a folk group, reggae acts, a presentation from the Garifuna community, calypsonians and soca artistes – as part of the cultural package.

For those competitive sport lovers, there will be family fun in the form of games, such as three-legged race, egg and spoon, skipping, needle and thread, sack race, dodge ball, small goal soccer and softball cricket.

And, several groups and individuals in New York and other parts of the diaspora have organized bus rides to ensure that persons get to Hecksher State Park.

In New York, COSAGO can be contacted at 347- 385-6227; 347-668-0774 or 347- 414-5131, while the Vincy Day committee’s contact numbers are 347- 538- 4642 and 347-574-7392.

Other are Get Nice Crew (718- 807-8026 or 718-930-5553); Bishop’s College Past Students ( 347- 432- 5384/ 347- 898- 7501); Cavaliers Sports Club ( 917 -832- 9488/ 718- 749- 6362/ 646-331-0461) .

Also on the list of bus organisers are Humble Empress Roxy and K. Production ( 646-250-9111 or 646-738- 4382) and Indira Lampkin – 347- 488-4989.

A vision to see Vincentians in the United States of America gathered in one place to have a day of togetherness was born in the mind of Ulric “Junior Soca” Jones and was taken up by Consul General Selman Walters.

The period of gestation involved the formation of a planning and execution committee which gave birth to the event. And, after only one year, Vincy Day USA has begun to be an occasion which many are looking forward to be part of. (RT)