Burglars strike at Milton Cato Memorial Hospital
August 9, 2013

Burglars strike at Milton Cato Memorial Hospital

Burglars have struck again, this time the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH). Luis deShong, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and the Environment, confirmed that the physiotherapy unit at the MCMH was broken into over the weekend and some items, including one computer,{{more}} which contained patients’ information and other data, one transformer, a box of tools used in the department and some cleaning agents, were stolen.

The Permanent Secretary added that the incident took place at night and occurred at the back area of the hospital.

According to the official, he was advised that the intruder(s) gained access into the unit by damaging the lock and entering the building.

He also explained that he was advised that this took place while the security guard on duty went to use the bathroom and that when he returned he observed that the area had been broken into.

Even as investigations are ongoing, deShong said that efforts were now being made to change the locks and he added that he held discussions with the head of the security company.

“There are just some things that need to be done to give a greater security presence to certain critical areas within the hospital, especially at night,” the Permanent Secretary said.

“I think it’s a question of us, at this juncture, to address the amount of guards that we outline in the contract between the company and the Ministry of Health,” he further explained.

Finally, he suggested that the number of guards at the main health facility be increased.

This is the latest in a series of robberies that have been taking place in the vicinity within recent times.

The New Haven Funeral Home office at Rose Place was robbed on July 24, and the assailant made off with EC$7,000.

On July 28,masked men robbed the Russell’s Cineplex at Stony Grounds of over $3000. Five men have been charged with that crime. (DD)