Fish vendor ‘Yankee’ shot dead at Stoney Ground
August 2, 2013

Fish vendor ‘Yankee’ shot dead at Stoney Ground

The stretch of road on which 30-year-old Rodney Grant was shot and killed last Sunday, was very familiar to him.{{more}}

His twin sister, Rhonelle Grant, told SEARCHLIGHT that as children, she remembers holding hands with her sibling, making their way to and from the Kingstown Preparatory School.

As an adult, up to the night of his death, Grant, also known as “Yankee”, used the road to and from his New Montrose home.

Just after 10 p.m. on Sunday night, Grant seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The fisherman was found lying face down in the middle of the Stoney Ground road, between the bridge and Colours supermarket, with his feet crossed, and his hands under his body. He had been shot in the head.

His older sister, Lucille, told SEARCHLIGHT that her understanding is that he was on his way home to collect fishing equipment, when he was shot.

Grant, well-known for his corned fish, was usually seen around town with two large buckets in his hands, from which he sold his product.

A police report says that just before Grant’s body was discovered, residents in the area reported hearing what they believed to be gunshots.

This occurred shortly after a robbery at the Russell’s Mall, where the cinema was robbed by three masked gunmen.

Speculation by many is that Grant saw the faces of the bandits, who in turn shot him, in order to silence him.

The sisters told SEARCHLIGHT that they were informed by the police the following day that their brother, the third of four children born to their mother, had met his death.

“This is a tough time for all of us,” Lucille said. We never expected what happened to our dear brother and son and nephew and friend, to happen, but we are just trying to deal with everything as it comes; deal with the feelings as best as we could.

“I cried when they explained where it happened…. I just cried,” Rhonelle added.

The father of an eight-year-old daughter who resides in the United States was described as a cool, caring individual, with a big heart.

Lucille recalled that earlier that week, he wanted to secure some iguana eggs he had found, so that they could hatch and reach to maturity.

She pointed out that her brother was on the path of turning his life around at the time of his death, and believes that he had a personal relationship with God, and hoped to see him in heaven.

“He was getting his stuff together to go back to church. He was talking with persons from the church. Different persons from the church had talks with Rodney and he was on that road to fully dedicating himself to going back to church….

“Also, he would be downstairs playing his Christian music, singing to the top of his lungs, and during our talks he would say that he prays a lot, and he knows that God is looking out for him, because he can see the hand of God in his life….

“It is just unfortunate that at the time when everything seemed to be working together for him, he was taken from us.”

His sister applauded the efforts of the police, for their speedy response to the incidents on the night, which led to the apprehension of five suspects.

She stated that the family would like to see justice served, “in what ever way that is lawful, and in obeying the laws of the land.”

Funeral arrangements are being made for Grant to be laid to rest some time next week.