July 23, 2013

Luke’s Kids Club seeking volunteers

Interested in contributing to the development of children?

Luke’s Kids Club is looking for responsible volunteers to serve as group leaders and to provide supervision and guidance to the children.{{more}}

A release from the organization said a “fun and educational” summer programme for children from four years old to 17 years old will be conducted from August 5 to 16 for juniors (four – 11 years) and August 19 to 30 for seniors (12 – 17 years).

“The Club hosts the leading summer programme in SVG and this year’s theme is National Heroes and Historic Events and Sites. The children will learn about Vincentian heroes, carry out community service projects, attend a camp, go on field trips and participate in many other activities,” the release said.

If you are over 18 years old, enjoy working and interacting with children, are available for training and for the duration of the programme, and are creative and have a sense of adventure, you are invited to call 456-6570 or email by July 27 to volunteer.

Parents of children who are interested in taking part in the programme are asked to note that registration will be conducted daily (except on Sunday) at the Club House in Cane Garden, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. from July 22 to July 31. A parent or guardian will be required to provide standard biographical details for each registrant.

During the programme, participants will have opportunities to: learn about men and women who made significant contributions to the development of SVG; carry out a Young Heroes community service environmental project; explore and develop their interests and talents; visit historical sites and camp out (seniors); produce works of art (murals and sculptures) and perform in a concert; interact with leading professionals and positive role models.