‘Iron Tuff’ says he is victim of police spite
July 19, 2013

‘Iron Tuff’ says he is victim of police spite

Rudolph “Iron Tuff” Foster says that he has reason to believe that he is a victim of “spite” by the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF).{{more}}

The disgruntled businessman told SEARCHLIGHT that he believes he is being ignored by them because he refused to cooperate with their efforts to obtain confessions from his sons during an investigation into the murder of a teenager.

Foster said that two of his sons were arrested in connection with the murder of Agassi Fraser, whose body was discovered lying face down in the Arnos Vale river on October 10, 2009.

The 18-year-old went missing on the morning of Thursday, October 8, after leaving home to visit his girlfriend a short distance away.

But Foster, who is the proprietor of a shop located at the Leeward bus terminal, says he was being used by the police to intimidate his sons into giving them a confession.

“They were using me to intimidate my sons because they wanted them to talk,” Foster said.

He explained that at first, he went along with the police, but then came to the realization, especially after his sons kept insisting that they were innocent, that he was being used by the police.

He said he walked out the station, refusing to cooperate any further.

Since that time, he said that his shop has been broken into and burglarized on at least a dozen occasions.

“And every time I go to the police, they ignoring me,” Foster told SEARCHLIGHT.

“This is my problem, my problem is that I got my shop broken into and when I went to the police they have done nothing,” he continued.

The most recent incident occurred about two weeks ago, he indicated, on a Sunday.

According to Foster, the perpetrator(s) walked with many items, including some personal items that had been given to him as gifts and that had never been used.

He said that they entered through a door that he had nailed up, shortly after assailants had taken off the screws in a previous burglary.

“They knocked out a lock and came in,” he said.

Foster said that he went to the police and the officer in charge dispatched two officers to the scene of the crime; however, they left shortly thereafter to attend to another matter, the businessman explained.

He said he returned to the Central Police Station the following day, and again they sent one officer, who made it clear that he was only sent to “look around.”

“After that they never came back,” he said.

Foster said that the situation has got worse, in that his family is also affected.

He explained that his daughter was robbed and a chain taken and although a passerby was able to identify the vehicle and trace it back to the owner, there has still been no break in the case.

“It’s a lot of break-ins I have had and they have done nothing.”

According to Foster, it seems as though the police are looking to spite him.

“So they don’t want to take me on,” he said. (DD)