Dive shop operator electrocuted in Bequia
July 12, 2013

Dive shop operator electrocuted in Bequia

Dive shop operator Larry Stowe, who was electrocuted in Bequia on Monday, has been described as a dedicated family man and a “really nice guy”.{{more}}

41-year-old Stowe, the third of five children born to Alma Stowe, was described by his mother as a humble, quiet, kind and loving man, who cared for, and helped anyone, in any way he could.

“He would forsake himself for other people and would make sure other people were happy. He all time like to help,” Alma told SEARCHLIGHT from her home in Bequia.

The Union Level resident died at the Bequia hospital, succumbing to injuries sustained some time after 1 p.m., Monday, while he and his business partner Ron Williams worked at their Bequia Dive Adventure shop, located in Belmont, Bequia.

Williams, also injured, was treated and released from the Maryfield Hospital at Gunn Hill, St Vincent, on Tuesday.

He has been ordered to have complete bed rest by doctors, and was unable to speak with SEARCHLIGHT at press time.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that the men were repairing a compressor, which is used to fill diving tanks, when the incident occurred.

Larry had been working at the dive shop for 22 years.

Siblings of Williams, 42, expressed similar sentiments as Stowe’s mother, describing Stowe as their own brother and a really nice guy.

Although they are relieved that Ron is still alive, they say they share the grief of Stowe’s family.

“It hit home hard because… we saw him every day, he was always here watching cricket, football… he and Ron went to school together… their children go to the same school….” Ron’s sister told SEARCHLIGHT.

“He (Ron) is quite shaken up,” Ron’s brother Andy added.

“That was his best friend and his business partner, and he pretty much watched him die.”

Alma added that Stowe, a married father of three (two girls, 10 and six, and a two year-old son), was a dedicated family man, who lived for his children and his wife.

Joanna, Larry’s wife, who is overseas, is expected to return home this weekend.

Alma said the members of her family are being supportive of each other during this, their time of grief, and she found some consolation in the fact that he did not die during a dive, another of his passions.

“I’m still trying to hang in there because I know one day we will all have to go,” Alma noted.

“It is sad, but he already done gone, so we have to satisfy. Everything is in the hand of Jesus.”(JJ)