Totally unaware of police informant  – PM Gonsalves
June 28, 2013

Totally unaware of police informant – PM Gonsalves

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves says he was totally unaware that a former police informant had to flee this country after a hit man was brought in to kill her.{{more}}

He also says he has no idea who the person is.

In the Midweek issue of June 25, SEARCHLIGHT carried a story about a former police informant, “N”, who fled St Vincent in 2009, on the advice of the Commissioner of Police, after it was discovered that a foreign hit man, hired to kill her, was in the country.

N had, for some time, been providing the police with intelligence on wanted criminals, gang members and drug lords.

The woman, however, told SEARCHLIGHT that since gaining asylum in a foreign country, she has been seeking the assistance of the government to be reunited with her children.

She said although the children have been approved by immigration authorities to join her, she is unable to pay for the expenses associated with processing their papers.

N said she has been in regular contact with Commissioner of Police Keith Miller, but recently, he has been ignoring her requests for help.

“Is the government expressing any interest to help me get to see my children? No! Abandoned and forgotten,” the obviously distressed woman said.

“What about me and my sufferings, PM? What about me not being able to see my children for four years? Where is the state assistance for my family and me, so that we can continue living as a family, the way we were? No amount of money can ever repay me for every second I’ve lost spending with my children,” a frustrated N told SEARCHLIGHT in an interview last week.

“What about my life and that of my children that was abruptly disrupted because I was doing what was right?

“And still up to today, not even a dollar from the state,” N sobbed.

The Prime Minister told SEARCHLIGHT in an interview on Wednesday that he intends to discuss N’s situation with the Commissioner.

He said he will ask the Commissioner if he wished to make a recommendation, and if so, advise him that it should be done through the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, who will deal with it through the “proper channels”.