June 21, 2013

Georgetown student clears one of first hurdles along path to success

Eleven-year-old Ryanna Glynn would like to be a medical doctor when she grows up. The grade six pupil of the Georgetown Government School cleared one of the first hurdles along the path to success when she scored a perfect 100 per cent for mathematics, 90 per cent for general paper and 77.12 for English Language,{{more}} for an average of 89.04 per cent in the recent Common Entrance Examinations.

She placed 14th for girls and 30th overall.

Of her perfect math score, Ryanna said she loved the subject, and that gave her the confidence to perform well in it.

“It was easy for me because I like dealing with numbers.”

She credited her parents Shemorn Hoyte and Mark Glynn, as well as Grade Six teachers Mr Williams and Miss Johnson, for their support and guidance which led to her accomplishment.

She said when she is not busy doing her school work, she likes to mentor her two younger brothers.

Ryanna says she looks forward to her next step, as she works her way to her medical degree, a place at the Girls’ High School.

Headteacher of the Georgetown Government School Paula Toney said that she is pleased with the performance of her students, despite being disappointed with the marks in English Language.

46 of the 79 students who wrote the examinations from the school passed.

“Our children performed well with the math and the G.P. Because over the years, we would have been doing well in terms of the English Language, the marks are not too pleasing at all this time around,” Toney said.

The headteacher said that measures have already been put in place, in an effort to secure better marks in the future.(JJ)