DRP holds discussion with National Reconciliation Advisory Committee
June 7, 2013

DRP holds discussion with National Reconciliation Advisory Committee

Leader of the Democratic Republican Party (DRP) Anesia Baptiste has had a meeting with the National Reconciliation Advisory Committee (NRAC).{{more}}

According to a release from the DRP, the meeting took place on May 27, at the Conference Room of the Ministry of National Reconciliation, Labour and Ecclesiastical Affairs, and was requested by the NRAC as a part of its “efforts to fulfill its mandate…to discuss the party’s role in the national reconciliation process”.

The NRAC was represented by its chairman Pastor Stephen Ollivierre and secretary Ms Michael. The DRP was presented with a document which highlights the main objectives of the NRAC as being: to foster social cohesion by minimizing divisions among our citizens; to facilitate the process of national healing by addressing socially divisive issues; to create a strong foundation for the development of St Vincent and the Grenadines by promoting positive values among citizens; to engender a spirit of patriotism in our people by recognizing positive achievements in St Vincent and the Grenadines; to liaise with other key stakeholders in the reconciliation process.

The release said the NRAC also called upon the DRP to support its national reconciliation efforts by asking its supporters to be responsible citizens, especially while in political campaigning, and to remember that we are one people.

“In a cordial discussion between the DRP and the NRAC, Baptiste gave the DRP’s full support to the objectives of the NRAC as outlined, highlighting the party’s founding philosophy of respect for the inalienable rights and freedoms of all Vincentians, as proof of its commitment to the process of national reconciliation.
Baptiste explained that the DRP believes that political and other division is fundamentally as a result of the fact that our people need to realize that we are all equally created by God with rights and freedoms which must be respected, regardless of our political and other differences. Baptiste also lamented the problem of political victimization as negatively affecting reconciliation efforts in the country and she encouraged the NRAC to ensure that it speaks consistently and fairly in all its efforts, in order to build public confidence in its work,” the release said.

The National Reconciliation Advisory Committee (NRAC) was appointed by Cabinet in March 2012 and is tasked with spearheading this Country’s reconciliation agenda. This committee works in conjunction with the Ministry of National Reconciliation and comprises various stakeholders, including the SVG Christian Council, the National Committee on Crime Prevention (NCCP) and the National Youth Council (NYC).