Parents thankful for son’s recovery after accident
May 28, 2013

Parents thankful for son’s recovery after accident

The parents of Lenroy Adams can breathe easier, now that their 4-year-old son seems to be making a smooth recovery at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH).{{more}}

Casita Glasgow and Randolph Adams were last week thrown into a state of shock, when their son was involved in a traffic accident in Layou and had to be rushed to the hospital.

Although Lenroy has been a patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) since last Wednesday, Randolph, the infant’s father, informed SEARCHLIGHT yesterday that his son was doing much better.

“He is speaking now and sitting up,” the relieved father stated.

“I feel very happy. From ever since Wednesday, I was feeling…I was really speechless”.

Glasgow, who was understandably less tense than she was last week, hours after the accident, added that he looks much better than he did in previous days and was up to his childish tricks.

“He say he want a truck…I went to buy a truck for him…we’re trying to do the best for him,” she said.

The dedicated parents have been spending most of their time at the hospital with their son, arriving in the early morning and leaving at night.

The boy’s mother also said that his siblings missed him. She explained that his sister, Marsha Glasgow, who was a contestant in the Miss Central Leeward title, was in tears when she visited her brother yesterday.

“I told her not to cry, because it already happen[ed],” Glasgow said. “He get hit bad, but he will survive. He [is] coming on”.

Glasgow and Adams are extremely thankful to God for bringing their son through the rough time and to everyone who kept him in their prayers.

“I thank the doctor and the nurses who did a good job. Well done,” Randolph stated.

“I thank all those who are praying on his behalf. Not only on his behalf, but for the lady who [was] involved in the incident. I thank all those praying for her as well”.

Lenroy is expected to be at MCMH for a while longer, as he will be moved into the children’s ward sometime today.

The youngster was making his way home last Wednesday after bathing in a river near his home, when he and his cousin, Jovel Glasgow, were struck by an oncoming vehicle.

The two boys were immediately rushed to the MCMH. While Adams survived a ruptured midsection that had his intestines protruding from his tiny body, Jovel succumbed to his injuries and died later that day.(BK)