Woman’s ear, arm almost severed in cutlass attack
April 26, 2013

Woman’s ear, arm almost severed in cutlass attack

Three days after citizens rallied at Sion Hill to denounce violence, especially against women, one woman fell victim to painful wounds, allegedly administered by her ex-boyfriend.{{more}}

Prislet Francis, a resident of Morgan Square, Barrouallie, is said to be in serious condition at the female surgical ward of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, after a cutlass attack on Monday night, by the father of her 10-year-old daughter.

When SEARCHLIGHT visited Francis on Wednesday, she indicated that she was feeling better since surgery the day before, but was not in the mood to speak, except to say: “This is the second time he tried to kill me.”

The 33-year-old Francis allowed photos to be taken of her, so that others could get a glimpse of her external injuries.

Her sister Ava Gabriel, however, spoke to SEARCHLIGHT, highlighting that the attack is what family members and friends hope is the last of a trail of physical and emotional abuse.

“Actually, he tried to kill her a month ago… he knocked her down with a bottle and was arrested. He was out on bail now for that” Gabriel related.

“Every time it kept escalating,” she added. “The first couple of times would be just a ‘lil thump and pound and so; another time it would be a black and blue eye; another time it would be a swollen face. One time he hit her in her face with a frozen bag of ice; another time is another thing he would hit her with.”

Gabriel, keeping a calm composure, said that the latest incident occurred after Francis had obtained a restraining order against her attacker, and had moved back into her parents home, because she feared for her life.

According to Gabriel, the couple had been to the Family Court earlier on Monday, to make arrangements for the attacker to visit their daughter.

“The night, she was on her way home around 9 o’clock,” Gabriel said.

“He was waiting in the bush behind a pole, and she spot him and try to run, but she fell down and when he catch up with her, he start pelting chops.

“She started screaming; then a guy in the neighbourhood heard her screaming and ran down from his house. While he was coming down from his house, he saw that [the boyfriend] was attacking her, so he was running towards them and shouted and said ‘leave the girl’ and so he [the boyfriend] run.”

Gabriel said that her sister received chops to her back, shoulders, head and arms.

She said that part of Francis’ right ear was severed and had to be re-attached, and her left arm was almost completely severed.

Gabriel estimated that her sister received more than 40 stitches to close her wounds.

Gabriel said initially, she was extremely upset about what the attacker had done, but now her main concern is the well -being of her sister.

“I’ve come to the point where I am past upset, I am more or less confused to the fact that he keep saying he love his daughter, but I believe he is a sociopath, incapable of loving himself, much less to others.

“Right now all we can do is give God thanks that she is still alive and that they were able to save the hand, that is what we were most worried about…”

Gabriel used the opportunity to make her own appeal, calling for an end to domestic abuse, saying that it was time for persons in such relationships to take stock of the situation, before it gets out of hand.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that Francis’ attacker was apprehended by police with the weapon and bloodied clothes.

Police on Thursday confirmed thatFrancis’ ex-boyfriend Brennon Roberts had been taken into custody in relation to the attack, but up to press time he had not been charged.

Non-profit organization Leave Out Violence in St Vincent Association (LOVN SVG) held a march and rally on April 19 at Sion Hill, to bring about awareness about violence in society and to raise funds for the construction of a home for victims of violence. (JJ)