Young man finally able to walk  again after surgery
March 28, 2013

Young man finally able to walk again after surgery

The mother of a man who experienced a modern day miracle says her family is eternally grateful for the financial assistance and prayers they received, and says she intends to turn her life around.{{more}}

Jacintha Richards told SEARCHLIGHT by phone she is thankful that her son, 26-year-old Ashford Richards, is finally able walk again, after more than two months of what she described as endless pain and agony, after lifting heavy items during the Christmas season.

“On Boxing Day, he started complaining of back pain, and I told him to go to casualty… he said that they gave him two injections and he was complaining of more pain,” Richards explained.

The mother of seven said her son was diagnosed with a slipped disc, and had to see a specialist, who informed her that surgery was needed to rectify the problem.

The operation cost more than $15,000, an amount which Richards was at a loss as to how she would raise.

“I raised funds by cooking lunches and selling. My workplace gave me some, the union that I’m in gave me some and friends and family in the (United) States gave me some,” Richards said.

The father of a 15-month-old daughter, Richards underwent successful surgery on March 7, and after two weeks, he is finally able to walk, albeit not to the fullest.

The young Richards is currently undergoing physiotherapy.

“We are giving thanks to those who helped us, those who contributed to us, including my co-workers and workplace, friends and family in New York and the doctor who preformed the surgery on my son.

“We are not going to leave it like this. Both of us, we are going to give a testimony. I am going to change my life also, because I have a lot of things to thank God for…” (JJ)