Gooding is Bequia “King of the Park”
March 19, 2013

Gooding is Bequia “King of the Park”

Alfonso Gooding was crowned King of the Park of Bequia, as Karib Cable hosted its 15th annual Kite-Flying Competition.{{more}}

Gooding took the honour at the second Karib Cable Kite-Flying Competition event of the season, which was held in Bequia, last Sunday, March 17 at Park Point.

Gooding won this year’s event from a field of 40 competitors with his kite depicting the island of Bequia, showcasing the many famous local sites. He took home his prizes of a Kiss Cakes gift pack and cake from Premier Distributor, a trophy, gold medal and a TV set, compliments Karib Cable.

“At last year’s event, I missed out on becoming champion, so this year I was confident that I would definitely win with the kite I made. I am from Bequia, so I decided what better way to show people how beautiful Bequia is, by creating a map kite of Bequia to showcase the wonderful sites that visitors can explore. I am privileged to see these wonderful sites every day,” said a delighted Alfonso, as he was crowned King at Park Point.

Other notable winners in the competition were: Rakel Roren in the under 10 category; Skyler Ollivierre, who won in the 11-15 year group; Vanessa Ollivierre won the 16 plus; one year old Tia Cudjoe won the youngest flyer; Basil Jacobs won the oldest flyer; Brent Gooding won most original and Largest Kite; Smallest Kite was won by Deborah Hackshaw; and the Richard’s family was judged to have the most registered family members.

“This is the 15th year we have held our annual kite flying event in the beautiful island of Bequia. Our competition has become such a tradition that our kite flying dates are listed in the annual events calendar published for visitors to Bequia,” said Vance Garraway, marketing executive of Karib Cable.

“This year’s Kite Flying Competition was another outstanding community event sponsored by Karib Cable and I want to thank the people of Bequia for their continued support of the Karib Cable brand.”