Reigning Miss SVG shares her experience with 2013 delegates
March 8, 2013

Reigning Miss SVG shares her experience with 2013 delegates

Reigning Miss SVG, Carice Glasgow, has warned this year’s contestants to prepare for the challenging journey ahead, leading up to the night of the pageant, June 1.{{more}}

Speaking at the Carnival Development Corporation’s press conference Tuesday, Glasgow did not only wish the young women good luck, she also imparted a bit of wisdom, based on her own experience.

“I want each of you to remember to always be yourself. Regardless to what you are going to go through, because this is the beginning and regardless to what you have already gone through you will be facing a lot more.

“Eleanor Roosevelt once said; ‘no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.’”

Twenty-one-year-old Glasgow, who won the Best Interview category at last year’s pageant encouraged the girls to do their best.

She told them they are “all queens” even though only one will walk away on the night of the pageant, crowned Miss SVG 2013.

“It is true when they say you are already queens, just by going through this process, because it’s only a select few that can actually do this.

“So, I want you to remember that and I want you to be proud of yourselves and on June 1 there will be one woman with a crown on her head, but you are all queens in my heart, in Mrs Rodriguez heart, in the CDC’s heart and in the hearts of the Vincentian public.”

The eight contestants for Miss SVG 2013 are: Shannon Nakita Bess, Anne Therese Chambers, Maressa Odama Endeavour, Shara George, Chenead Candida Caniggia Hackshaw, Hannah Hamilton, Anna La Borde and Brooke Crystal Thessa Legair.(AA)