Mottley back at helm of BLP
March 1, 2013

Mottley back at helm of BLP

Fri Mar 01, 2013

In a situation similar to what occurred five years ago, Mia Mottley is back as Leader of the Opposition in Barbados.{{more}}

She gained the most votes as the Barbados Labour Party’s parliamentary group met on Monday at its headquarters, Grantley Adams House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados, to choose a leader, following the party’s defeat in the general elections of February 21.

Mottley takes the reins of the party’s group in parliament, after her colleagues voted for her rather than former Prime Minister Owen Arthur, the man who led them into the general elections.

When the BLP was defeated in 2008, Arthur stepped aside and made way for Mottley to take over as the leader of the Opposition, but she was eventually removed by the party’s parliamentary group and replaced by Arthur.

Mottley, who has consistently been voted as the second most popular politician in the Labour Party will, however, still have Arthur as the BLP’s political leader.

Arthur did not attend Monday’s internal party meeting.

(ES – The Nation)