Crime scene unit coming
February 15, 2013

Crime scene unit coming

Head of the Criminal Investigations Department of the Royal StVincent and the Grenadines Police Sydney James has disclosed that plans are in the pipeline to create a new crime scene unit,{{more}} which will function alongside the Criminal Investigations Department, the Major Crime Unit, and the Criminal Records Office.

He made the disclosure at the Department’s recent annual prize giving ceremony.

“The benefits will be tremendous in particular increasing our efficiency and use of forensics in the investigation of crime,” said James.

James expressed that for 2013, at the CID, crime will be approached strategically, through systematic patrolling, training and educational drives. To achieve this, he said the Department is imploring the public to continue to cooperate with its members.

He said the members of the CID intend to patrol hotspots and increase their presence with the hope to deter criminals. He added that the CID is also seeking to source training, locally and regionally to boost the capacity of its men and women, with the goal of increasing their professionalism, investigative skills and crime fighting techniques.

James disclosed that despite the challenges of 2012, the members of the Department still need to celebrate their achievement and motivate one another.

“Despite the challenges in our department, then, men and women continue to work assiduously to detect and investigate these crimes, especially violent crimes and for this, we must have events like these to reward our hardworking men and women. Cognizant of the fact that there are deficiencies in some of our workers, this must not overshadow the good that was done,” said James.

James used the opportunity to thank Justices of the Peace, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution, and the Ministry of National Security for their support.

PC 335 Orlando Collins copped the Detective of the Year Award; PC 593 Karla Timm, Most Outstanding Female Detective (Team One); PC 451 Shamara Warner, Most Outstanding Female Detective (Team Two); PC 328 Collin May, Most Outstanding Detective (Team One); PC 45 Adrian Forde, Most Outstanding Detective (Team Two); PC 865 Sheffique Joseph, Most Improved Detective; and PC 60 Paul Quintyne, Most Outstanding Criminal Records Office (CRO) Officer.

The 33-year-old Collins, who was enlisted in the Police Force on June 30, 2008, said it took a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve his feat, “especially at CID where there is a lot of other officers, who have done well.”

He said the Detective of the Year Award came as a surprise to him. “I heard other people’s name being called for awards. After I didn’t hear my name being called for the smaller awards, I thought that was it. I was really surprised when I finally heard my name,” said Collins.

Collins said his ambition is to pursue tertiary level studies in Criminal Law. He was transferred to the Major Crime Unit on February 1, 2013.

Collins used the opportunity to thank his team members, as well as other officers of the Department, such as Sergeants Browne and Morgan, Corporal Francis, his girlfriend Laushanda Brewster, as well as family members for their support.