Richland Park Government gets equipment boost
February 12, 2013

Richland Park Government gets equipment boost

The Richland Park Government School is now equipped with a laminating machine, thanks to the collaborative effort of the Richland Park Nine Mornings Committee and the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA).{{more}}

Danroy Ballantyne, president of the PTA and member of the Nine Mornings Committee, said on Wednesday, at the official handover ceremony, that it is the intention of the parent teacher group to develop a better relationship with the teachers and students of the school.

“Our commitment to the school is to enhance good communication…and to ensure that your environment is of a good standard,” Ballantyne said.

With this is mind, the two bodies came together to donate the laminating machine and a quantity of cricket supplies.

Arlene John, treasurer of the Richland Park Nine Mornings Committee, said that the gift to the school was because of the continued support by the children during the annual pre-Christmas festivities.(DD)