PAHO rates SVG number one in OECS for highest implementation rate
February 8, 2013

PAHO rates SVG number one in OECS for highest implementation rate

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health Luis deShong, has commended the staff of his ministry for earning the highest implementation rate in the OECS from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).{{more}}

Deshong disclosed that this country’s Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment, received an 89 per cent implementation rate for all activities in 2012 from PAHO.

SVG was first in the OECS, and second in the region.

“This is due to the hard work of the staff of the Ministry of Health,” Deshong noted on January 31, as health officials gathered at the ministry’s conference room to view live streaming of the inauguration of PAHO’s newest Director, Dominican Dr Carissa Etienne.

“It shows that we are making huge efforts to ensure that health care is being delivered in the most effective and efficient manner, and that we embrace willingly the support and guidance from international agencies like PAHO, deShong said.

The permanent secretary said that the ministry now has its sights set on a 100 per cent implementation rate, a feat that he believes can be achieved.

He noted that the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines and the Ministry of Health continue to receive an enormous amount of support from PAHO, as well as technical support for all health related activities, which allowed the institution to exceed expectations.

“We need to celebrate what we have been doing and we will continue to in that vein,” deShong said.(JJ)