Genesis Steel Orchestra now equipped with new drum kit
February 1, 2013

Genesis Steel Orchestra now equipped with new drum kit

The St Vincent and the Grenadines Port Authority Genesis Steel Orchestra is now equipped with a new drum kit.{{more}}

The presentation of the instrument was made by the St Vincent and the Grenadines Port Authority, which in January 2011, adopted the band, which was formed through the Pan Against Crime initiative.

“We at the Port Authority are delighted to contribute to the sustainability of the Pan Against Crime initiative and we see it as part of our corporate and social responsibility,” Charmaine Tappin John, human resource manager of the Port Authority said, while speaking at the brief handover ceremony on Tuesday.

The five-piece kit was purchased at a cost of US$400, with funds made up of donations from members of the corporate community and from fund-raising activities.

“So, we are very grateful to those who have assisted us – while the Port Authority initiated this, there was plenty of support and we acknowledge that,” Tappin John said.

Chief executive officer (CEO) Bishen John lauded the Pan Against Crime initiative saying that in addition to the increase in the number of steelbands that enter competitions, the programme was having a positive impact on those involved.

“We have seen fruit from the Pan Against Crime initiative, and this drum kit is just a small token. This is something that you can see, but there are other things,” Bishen John said.

Assistant Superintendant of Police (ASP) Johnathan Nichols, who was present at the handover, said more new bands were expected to be launched soon.

He added that plans for the Pan Against Crime initiative’s fifth anniversary celebrations were progressing well and that a number of community and school bands were to receive assistance from the project. (DD)