January 29, 2013

Ministry of Health implementing measures to boost health care

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment yesterday intensified the implementation of activities under the 10th EDF project, with the launch of several consultancies.{{more}}

The overall objective of this project is to improve the delivery of health care services to the people of SVG. The project’s purpose is to contribute specified resources toward the continuous development of an efficient, effective and sustainable health care delivery system for all citizens of SVG, especially preventing and managing the prioritised Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases.

Nestled within the overall project are several short-term consultancies, lasting for six weeks.

The consultancies will focus on the following results:

o The development of a comprehensive Hospital Master Plan for 2013 to 2020

o A review of the existing medical audit system, with the identification of limitations and accompanying solutions proposed

o The development of a Mental Health Strategy and Action Plan for 2013 to 2020

o The preparation of an Action Plan for the management of the Environmental Management Division

o The production of recommendations for revisions to the Environmental Health Act and Health Regulations

o The development of operational guidelines, procedural manuals, a Workforce Plan and other relevant management tools for the Environmental Management Division

o The conduct of a comprehensive Needs Assessment of the secondary health care programmes

o The establishment of a Quality Assurance System in accordance with appropriate international standards

Permanent Secretary Luis de Shong, Health Planner David Latchman and other senior staff welcomed a Hospital Specialist, a Quality Assurance Specialist and a Mental Health Specialist earlier yesterday a meeting at the Ministry’s conference room.

This meeting heard brief remarks from the permanent secretary, health planner, and Jamillah Burgin, EDF project officer in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning.