Scotiabank  distributes 130 food baskets to needy families
January 25, 2013

Scotiabank distributes 130 food baskets to needy families

Staff members of Scotiabank distributed more than 100 food baskets to needy families in the country’s North Windward area last weekend.{{more}}

On January 19, residents of South Rivers, Park Hill, Colonarie and Byrea were the recipients of 130 food baskets, under the bank’s Bright Future Programme, in which the employees engage in community based activities, working along with less fortunate families.

The food distribution was done in collaboration with the organizers of the Can Fest concert held in December, of which Scotiabank was a sponsor.

The event, held jointly with the 2012 Christmas caroling competition, featured Jamaican reggae artist Christopher Martin, and saw Vincentian patrons donating canned food, instead of paying an entrance fee.

The distribution was done by Scotiabank’s management and staff and members of ROK Entertainment, organizers of Can Fest, with the assistance of Trava Castello of the Ministry of Social Development and Carlie Boyea and Shamika Dabreo of Impact Community Group of Park Hill.

Janine Defreitas, Personal Banking officer (ag), said that the Scotiabank’s Bright Future Programme is committed to making a difference in the lives of children and communities, and is a key component of the institution’s shared values and commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Personal Banking officer Grace Martin added that the distribution of the food baskets acts as a reminder to staff of the need to appreciate what they have, and it brings to light the amount of work that needs to be done in the communities.

The bank has sponsored a number of charitable events, including the Miss Heritage Organization, the South East Steel Orchestra, Uncle Skinny Kids’ Carnival, the Adonal Foyle Kerosene Lamp Foundation and Kiddies Cricket across the entire region.

Defreitas said that Scotiabank is very excited to work with ROK Entertainment and are looking forward to Can Fest 2013.(JJ)