Praedial larceny affecting well-being of agriculture industry – Minister
January 25, 2013

Praedial larceny affecting well-being of agriculture industry – Minister

Praedial larceny is having a detrimental effect on the well-being of the country’s agriculture industry, says Agriculture Minister Saboto Caesar.{{more}}

He described those who steal as a “scourge on the land”, in terms of their impact on agricultural production in the country, and said they deserve “harsh punishment”.

Speaking at the ministry’s press conference on Monday, Caesar said praedial larceny, over the years, has caused havoc to many farmers who claim to have lost thousands of dollars.

In an attempt to curb the problem, a “unique strategy” is being put in place to apprehend those involved in the act, the minister said.

He stated that his ministry will stop at no cost in ensuring that praedial larceny is stamped out from the agriculture industry.

“I have already drafted, from the ministry’s standpoint, a document to send to the attorney general’s chambers, seeking assistance as to how we can revisit the legislation, so that we can be very, very tight on this issue,” Caesar said.

During the course of next week, the minister said he will also be meeting with the Commissioner of Police to further discuss ways on how they can work together to rectify the problem.

“This issue is definitely a discouragement to many farmers.

“We are seeing the negative impact bearing down on the markets where we have seen increase in the price for small ruminants.

“This definitely cannot continue as it did in 2012,” Caesar stated.

The minister argued that the society ought to begin to understand the challenges that farmers face, and that examples must be made those individuals found guilty of the crime of praedial larceny, if the activity is to be controlled. (AA)