St Vincent Grammar School Young Leaders say: ‘Be the change’
January 15, 2013

St Vincent Grammar School Young Leaders say: ‘Be the change’

The St Vincent Grammar School officially launched their Young Leaders project yesterday, after a one-year hiatus from the RBC Young Leaders Programme.{{more}}

This year’s theme is “Be the Change” and Justin Robinson, president of the school’s Young Leaders, gave an overview of the project.

He said that if one is seeking change, one must look within oneself and not to others.

“If you want to end violence, the first task is to stop being violent. We cannot shout out and express our anger and release it to other people, otherwise others will not believe us when we say we are not violent … the change is here, right here,” he said.

He also introduced their sub-theme; “Change is inevitable. Positive change bears the future, to help us focus on our goals to creating positive changes”.

Robinson said the school’s project this year consists of a series of projects that will collectively bring about some change in the society.

These projects include motivational speeches in primary schools all over the country to encourage students to reach for their dreams; a mentoring programme, where the higher forms will mentor the lower forms; and a “community conversation” with cross-sections of people in communities to speak about roles and responsibilities.

Also, a literacy drive to promote reading, a sit down with the government and the opposition to discuss issues that concern students and a series of thematic socials that highlight clean fun without the use of alcohol or drugs are on the agenda.

“We, as young people, must not wait for the government or other organizations to create platforms for us to be active, caring, charitable or even loving,” Robinson said.

“We can unite and take the initiative. We need to believe that we can make a significant difference to our lives and our country, either by ourselves or together as a group.”

In keeping with the theme of change, guest speaker John Rickards highlighted to the boys that it is within this period of their life that the most change would occur.

“It’s up to you whether you want the change to be negative or positive … Never put a limit to the amount of change that you can create as a small human being,” the former head boy said.

Rickards commended the young leaders on their positive start and said: “We took the year off, not because we were weak, but to revolutionize the project this year.”

Headmaster of the school, Frank Jones, had similar words of encouragement, telling the boys to be the change that they want to see.

“Everyone wants change, but everyone seems to be afraid of change and reluctant to get involved in change,” Jones said.

Adriel Francois, one of the coordinating teachers, said he is happy for the opportunity to work along with the young leaders this year.

Francois, a former vice president of the young leaders, described the experience as life changing.

“This programme is a point in your lives, young leaders that will change you … It forces you to take control and forces you to come out of your shadow … and be the young man that you have the potential to be,” he said.

The executive of the Grammar School Young Leaders consists of Jeremy Boyde, first vice president; Shawn Peters, second vice president; Kerron Glasgow, secretary; Osazi Patterson, treasurer; Davaughn Durham, assistant secretary treasurer; Richard John and Storm Halbich, executive members; and, Jamal Webb, public relations officer.

As a fundraising venture, the young leaders will host a bake sale under the Singer Gallery on January 19 and are encouraging all to come and support their cause.