Rotaract Club’s One Wish project donates to deprived families
January 15, 2013

Rotaract Club’s One Wish project donates to deprived families

Close to 30 underprivileged families in Georgetown and surrounding communities were presented with food baskets recently, as part of the Rotaract Club’s One Wish project.{{more}}

On January 5, members of the club journeyed to the Georgetown Evangelical Church, where 27 gift baskets were distributed to a number of families and individuals, including shut-ins, disabled persons and the elderly.

The project, which is in its second year, is carried out in conjunction with the Social Welfare Department, which indentifies the individuals and families in need. The donations come from the public.

Sylicia Lynch, president of the Rotaract Club, said the project aims to satisfy the needs of deprived families in various areas in the country, and took the opportunity to thank all who had contributed to the process, and made it a success.