New  attitudes, as students return to the classroom
January 8, 2013

New attitudes, as students return to the classroom

New bags, new shoes, and new attitudes are just some of the things this country’s children returned to their classrooms with after a three-week Christmas break.{{more}}

Kingstown again took on a Christmas-like atmosphere as thousands of the nation’s students made their way to school.

It was almost impossible to walk freely along the sidewalks, as students hustled to school, eager to reunite with their schoolmates and share their Christmas stories.

SEARCHLIGHT spoke to 12 students from six schools, asking them how they spent their Christmas holidays and their plans for the new term.

The majority of the students interviewed, mostly in primary school, expressed disappointment at having to return to school “so soon” because of the “fun” they were having away from the classroom.

Then, there were those who missed their friends and were eager to return.

For the fifth form students, the three weeks away from school gave them the opportunity to focus primarily on their school-based assessments (SBAs).

Melicia John and Errol Bowens Jr are both fifth form students and prefects at Thomas Saunders Secondary School.

The two soon to be graduates said the time off from school was a well-deserved break.

“It was good for me,” said John, who also said that most of her time was spent finishing SBA projects.

Bowens said he spent most of the time with his family and, like his classmate, spent some of the free time finishing up SBAs.

Jumar Durham, a Form 1 student at Bishop’s College, told SEARCHLIGHT she enjoyed her Christmas vacation and is happy that God has kept her alive to face a new year. Her main goal, she said, is to focus on her academic development.

Ronford Porter said being at home was “kind of fun”, but he’s happier returning to school to be among his friends.

Porter’s goals for the New Year are to become a prefect and emerge top of his class in third term exams, which would see him promoted to Form 4.

Intermediate High School student Junior Jack said he enjoyed the time away from school, but was surprised by how quickly it ended.

“It was good and I enjoyed it but, wow! I can’t believe it done,” he said with a chuckle.

The Form 1 student said his main goal this year is to make his parents proud by performing to the best of his ability to advance to Form 2.

As for some of the Grade 2 students of the Kingstown Preparatory school, the Christmas break was “Fun!”

For Kortney Andrews, three weeks was not enough. She recalled the joyous moments she spent with family, including her 3-month-old sister, whom she showered with love each day while at home.

“I miss being at home with my little sister,” she said smiling.

The fun has ended and as the old saying goes, it’s back to “beating the books”.