December 7, 2012

UWI to host an Evening of Reading

The University of the West Indies Open Campus will host “An Evening of Readings with Nigel Thomas” next Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Open Campus Lecture Hall.{{more}}

Dr Nigel Thomas is the author of three novels: “Spirits in the Dark”, “Behind the Face of Winter” and “Return to Arcadia”. He has also written two collections of short stories: “How Loud Can the Village Cock Crow” and “Lives: Whole and Otherwise”; a collection of poems: “Moving through Darkness”; and two books of literary criticism. His latest book, Lives: Whole and Otherwise, will be published in a French translation in January 2013. His books have been widely studied and are the subject of scholarly articles and doctoral dissertations in Europe and North America.

Dr Thomas was born in St Vincent and the Grenadines and has been living in Montreal, Canada since 1968. He is a graduate of Concordia, McGill, and Université de Montreal. He was a teacher of English and French with the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal 1976-1988, and a professor of United States literature at Université Laval in Quebec City 1988-2006.

The public is invited to attend this event.