Marks publishes second book
December 4, 2012

Marks publishes second book

As promised, her second book is less somber, more fun, and funnier than the first.{{more}}

Natasha Marks said that her latest publication, “Memoirs of a Teacher”, is filled with a number of humorous anecdotes and poems, based mainly on her 15 plus years as an educator; the 70-page publication also addresses some social issues.

The 22-chapter book contains entertaining graphics created by art teacher Kemara Brackin and is now available — after a short delay — for $25.

It is published by Rhonda King and is also available as an e-book on Amazon.

Marks said she hopes this publication would be just as accepted as her first book “When Silence Speaks”, written shortly after the tragic death of her husband, Ricky Marks.

Marks, a geography teacher at the Girls’ High School, has worked at a number of educational institutions in St Vincent. (JJ)