Vincentian /New York gospel artistes raise funds for Argyle airport
November 23, 2012

Vincentian /New York gospel artistes raise funds for Argyle airport

A collaborative effort of the St Vincent and the Grenadines consulate in New York, the Friends of the Argyle International Airport Committee (FAIAC) and gospel artistes in the diaspora, saw the staging of a fund-raising gospel concert last Saturday,{{more}} November 17, at Friends of Crown Heights, Prospect Place in Brooklyn, New York.

Over 20 artistes performed free of charge, as their contribution to the airport project, among them: Enville Cruickshank, Pastor Dorrage Stephens, Abena Amory-Powell, La Fleur Durrant, Fiona Alexander, Rochelle Bonadie, Selta Browne-Matthews, Don Joseph, Ellsworth ‘Life-Boy’ Quammie, Angus ‘Bongo” Lynch, Doreth Wilson, Anndean Charles, Collin Connell, Bishop Cornelius Olive , Ronecia Daize, Bardo Hill, Lady Empress, Theophilus ‘Theo’ Homer, Calvin Seales (on pan), Pastor Wayne Johnson and feature act Wendy Mitchell.

Mitchell, a Trinidadian, readily agreed to be part of the cast, as she claimed to be in love with St Vincent and the Grenadines, and works closely with her friend Vincentian Evangelist Brigette Blucher.

Mitchell stated that she wanted to go on record that she desires to be on the first flight landing at the new airport.

Bishop Kenroy Cuffy, who chaired the proceedings, said “the project is not for the ULP, nor the NDP, nor the Green Party. It is for all of us, therefore let all of us support it.”

The function heard addresses from Minister of Tourism Sport and Culture Cecil ‘Ces’ McKie, Consul General Selmon Walters and Chairman of the FAIAC Godfrey Pitt, all of whom lauded the vision of Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves and the government in pursuing the airport project, despite the difficulties.

During the concert, several distinguished persons made monetary donations, including Alan Silverstein who operates a scuba diving business in Canouan, as well as head of the Garifuna Coalition Jose Francisco Avila.

Mitchell closed the evening with the joining of hands and prayers for the completion of the airport, while Pastor Dorwin Grant of the Trinity Apostolic Methodist Church said the closing prayer.

The committee is already planning another concert early next year, and according to chairman of the FAIAC Godfrey Pitt, “we will not stop until the airport is finished.”

“The concert was well attended: Vincentians are getting more serious and one by one we are seeing people get involved, and finally persons are getting on board; we only wish that more Vincentians who have resources be involved…. It’s not about a man or a party – it’s about nation building-building St Vincent and the Grenadines,” Pitt said following the function.