Dental assistant hopes book will help kids lose fear of visiting dentists
August 14, 2012

Dental assistant hopes book will help kids lose fear of visiting dentists

A Vincentian dental assistant has written a book to help children lose their fear of visiting the dentist.{{more}}

“Being a dental assistant, I see that children are still afraid to visit the dentist. I want children to know the importance of brushing and flossing, and the use of fluoride treatments,” author Jazey Wallace said.

See what happens when three teeth named Harry, Molly and Tom rush Molly to the dentist to treat her cavity. Harry is the tooth wearing the crown. Molly is a sick tooth with a dark spot on the side of her head and Tom is their friend. When Harry notices the spot on Molly’s head, she says it hurts every time she bites into something. Harry knows a dentist who can make her feel better. Meanwhile, Harry offers to cover Molly’s spot up with a special foam protection called fluoride. He also tells her to brush with a toothbrush and toothpaste, rinse with water and use dental floss to prevent Bacteria from following them to the dentist’s office.

Will the three teeth make it to the dentist or will they be sidelined by Bacteria? Poor Molly, she just wants to Smile Bright!

SMILE BRIGHT (ISBN: 978-1-61897-755-7), which was illustrated by Vincentian artist Sigmund Fraser, is now available for $11.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website: or at or