College receives book  donation from missionaries
July 20, 2012

College receives book donation from missionaries

A visiting missionary couple has donated EC$13,000 worth of textbooks to the SVG Community College, as part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ worldwide humanitarian project.{{more}}

Thirty-two copies of “Understanding Nutrition” were presented to the Division of Technical and Vocational Education on Tuesday, by the church’s representatives Elder Clive and Sister Arlene Henderson.

Hazel Roberts, head of Hospitality, said that the textbooks are a much-needed addition to the college’s libraries, and will make it easier for lecturers to teach the relevant CAPE subjects to students.

“We are very appreciative of this gesture,” she said. “The price alone [of each book] tells you how important they are.”

Sister Arlene Henderson said that she and her husband are pleased to be involved in such an initiative, which is in keeping with the church’s teachings.

They have so far donated home economics equipment and books to the SVG Community College and seeds, tools and poultry to the Bishop’s College.

The purchase of the textbooks were part of the St Vincent Food Initiative, sponsored by donations made by thousands of congregation members worldwide to the Church Humanitarian Project.

According to a press release from the Hendersons, the project “promotes improved gardening, nutrition and raising layer chickens”.

Brother Verrol Young, a local member of the church, also attended the handover. He said that he was pleased by the donation and believes that it will help in the fight against diabetes, obesity and obesity-related diseases.(JV)