July 13, 2012

Toastmasters International YLP holds training program

The Achievers Toastmasters Club of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is celebrating the successful completion of this country’s first Toastmasters International Youth Leadership Program (YLP).{{more}}

Commencing April 22, 2012, YLP Coordinator Dr Francesca Burnham-Onu, and Assistant Coordinator Melene Glynn worked weekly with a group of young people ranging from 8 years to 17 years, to develop their speaking and leadership skills. Over the nine-week program, participants learned how to prepare and present speeches, conduct meetings, listen effectively and evaluate presentations by other participants.

Speaking at her office this week, Dr Burnham-Onu noted that she had always been interested in finding an avenue for improving the confidence, speaking and leadership skills of young people and the Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program had offered the perfect platform for doing so. The launch of St Vincent’s first Toastmasters International Gavel Club earlier this year, also by the Achievers Toastmasters Club, meant that there was a ready group of youngsters eager to participate in the Youth Leadership Program.

The Program held its graduation at the St Paul’s Anglican Church Parish Hall on Saturday, 30 June, 2012. Twenty-two participants (17 girls and 5 boys) were awarded certificates of completion and took the opportunity to display their newly developed confidence and speaking skills to an appreciative audience.

The Toastmasters International Youth Leadership Program may only be sponsored and delivered by Toastmasters. It is designed to help young people meet the demands and challenges of today’s world.