April 24, 2012

Common Entrance Past Papers available online has provided all Common Entrance Past Papers from 2006 to 2011 online for download and printing, a release from the New Democratic Party says.{{more}}

Past Papers are available in English, Mathematics and General Paper. Additionally, answer sheets to accompany all Past Papers which are posted on the site are also available for download and printing.

“This will assist parents and relatives of children and the children themselves, to practise, as they will be able not only to do the papers, but to check immediately to see whether their answers are correct or not,” the release said.

The Shadow Minister for ICT and Co-Creator of the site Senator Vynnette A. Frederick has indicated that the website has had more than 27,000 hits since its go live date of January 18, 2012, with persons viewing the site coming from the Caribbean and countries as diverse as Indonesia and Nigeria, the release said.

VincyClassroom is an online education resource for teachers, students and parents.

The New Democratic Party, in the release, encouraged all students preparing to do Examinations at whatever level, be it Primary Secondary or Tertiary, to give their best effort and work hard towards the success they desire.