Unsung Hero 2011 recognised for her contribution
April 20, 2012

Unsung Hero 2011 recognised for her contribution

This country’s 2011 Unsung Hero and regional runner up Cleopatra Jackson was officially recognised for her outstanding contributions at a special ceremony to launch the 2012 edition at the Sunset Shores Hotel on Tuesday, April 17.{{more}}

The 63-year-old New Grounds resident said that it was her humble beginnings that led her to want to make a difference in a needy person’s life.

She further contended that it was God that inspired and helped her throughout her life and enabled her to achieve what she has done so far.

But most important, she thanked CIBC First Caribbean Bank for its initiative for such a programme.

“I thank the Bank for putting in such a programme in place because sometimes you are so busy going about your own business and not paying attention to who is looking at you,” she said.

The night’s ceremony was to honour Jackson for her achievement in being named a runner up in the regional competition.

Her work in the Adult Education Division of the Ministry of Education allowed her the opportunity to be honoured.

She explained that it was one of her students who first brought the idea that she (Jackson) should be nominated as a local hero.

However, Jackson said that she was a bit modest and did not want any sort of fanfare for her work in the community.

Meanwhile, Minister of National Mobilisation Frederick Stephenson remarked on the numbers of Vincentians who have gone on to do well in the regional competition during the seven years this country has participated in the event.

He applauded the bank for the work it has done in recognizing the outstanding work of the many persons in society who have made a difference.

This prompted Stephenson to say that he was a firm believer in honouring people for their outstanding contributions while they were still alive so that when they got older, they would be able to look back at their achievement and feel a sense of accomplishment.

“This Unsung Heroes project continues to be at the nucleus of our corporate social giving,” Elroy John, Country Manager said.

“At FirstCaribbean, our efforts never tire as each year we work with greater zeal to unearth our region’s hidden gems. We will always advocate that recognition must be given where it is due, as we seek to encourage others to follow the path of our honourees and others who are yet to be divulged,” he continued.

John in turn thanked the Bank’s employees for their work and continued enthusiasm into keeping the initiative alive.

For the first time in the programme’s history, each of the regional awardees was celebrated in their home territory.

“We are pleased to celebrate our own Cleopatra Jackson who made it all the way to the top three in the region, thereby continuing the legacy of success started by a number of other local finalists,” John said.

The programme will continue, he said, because “we genuinely believe that our societies benefit greatly from the contributions of altruistic and capable individuals.”

Nominations for the 2012 Unsung Hero Competition have started and the deadline for the submission is June 30.

The winners will be announced in November.(DD)