March 2, 2012

Williams gets a surprising cash back reward from Courts

Georgetown resident Benedict Williams is extremely grateful to furniture and appliance giants Courts, for the unexpected cash back reward he received this week.{{more}}

On Tuesday, February 28, Williams, of Mount Bentick Bay Road, won his purchase of a bed free from Courts, which he purchased on credit last week.

Williams, an employee of the St. Vincent Container Corporation at Campden Park, will now sleep in peace, knowing that he has one less bill to pay, thanks to Courts.

“I feel so happy to win. I have been a Courts customer since 2008, and this is the first time I am winning anything from Courts, and it’s a great feeling,” an elated Williams confessed.

He received all the money that he had already paid for the bed, which is valued at over $1,100.

“I would encourage other persons to go to Courts for what they want for their homes, because you never know when you will win what you buy,” said Williams.

He took the opportunity to thank the staff who helped him with his purchase, and commended other Courts employees for their great customer service.

Meanwhile, Marketing Officer at Courts Alexis John said that the gesture was Courts’ way of giving back to its customers, given the economic climate.

“Courts St. Vincent Limited has the best interest of our customers at heart, and they can expect that innovations like this will be taking place all year long, so come to Courts and let us help you to bring value home.”