COP Miller commends the people of the nation
February 28, 2012

COP Miller commends the people of the nation

Vincentians have the power to curb the levels of crime and violence being experienced in this country.{{more}}

This was the view expressed by Keith Miller, Commissioner of Police who commended the people of this nation on their respect and loyalty during the visit by Prince Edward Earl of Wessex and his wife on Saturday, February 25.

Miller, speaking at the Pan Against Crime fourth anniversary celebrations at Chateuabelair on Sunday, February 26, said that he has seen Vincentians at work and demonstrating love.

“I have seen Vincentians demonstrate loyalty to state; I have seen respect and discipline coming to the fore,” Miller said.

According to the COP, there were no reported incidents, despite the large numbers of people who turned up to get a glimpse of the royal couple.

“Because I have seen that, I think we can go a lot further. I think we can continue to do a lot more to fight against crime and violence,” the Commissioner said.

He said that the people should use crime and violence as the next big event in order that the same sort of loyalty and commitment be displayed, which in turn will lead to a more peaceful state.

“We can do it, yes, I believe based on what I’ve seen yesterday (Saturday) and based on what I have seen coming out of a lot of law-abiding communities; we can do it,” Miller contended.