Adelphi Secondary School hosts annual Career Fair
February 24, 2012

Adelphi Secondary School hosts annual Career Fair

Students at the Adelphi Secondary School have been encouraged to keep an open mind and embrace new ideas in order to adapt to the changing world around them.{{more}}

“Adapting to Change” was the theme for the school’s annual Career Fair which took place on February 21, 2012. The Career Fair, which is part of the school’s week of special activities, saw facilitators from several business places and several fields giving lectures to students and engaging them in practical sessions.

Fifth form students also had the opportunity to dress in professional attire and be interviewed by facilitators as a part of the preparation for the work place.

Some fifth form students shared their expectations for the day, stating that they hope to gain knowledge on the world of work.

“We expect to open our understanding of the business world and what is ahead of us,” Krismah Robinson, a prospective entrepreneur, told SEARCHLIGHT. Lanique Lewis, whose aim is to become an accountant, also stated that she hopes to gain confidence in the business world after the day’s experience.

Fellow students, Teshieka Casper and Kadese Grant, also encouraged other students to continue to dream and set goals for their future, as Lewis reassured that it was okay if students are not yet set on what career they want to pursue.

Speaking to the students at the opening ceremony, Assistant Superintendent of Police Jonathan Nichols told students that change is something that is always happening.

“Change is ongoing,” he said. He added that in order to embrace change, students must keep an open mind.

He emphasized the need to be objective when embracing change, stating that students will have to adjust to certain situations. Nichols noted that often times, we may want the situation to change to suit us, but at times it should be the opposite, with us changing to suit the present situation.

Using himself and older adults as examples, Nichols noted that is it because they have adapted to change why they are successful today.

Also encouraging the students to embrace change was Kathleen Jeffers, Education Officer the person with responsibility for Career Guidance in the Ministry of Education. Jeffers stated that there are changes taking place within the Education System, and young people are adapting to those changes.

Reminding students that change is inevitable and sometimes sudden, Jeffers also encouraged students to adapt to the possibilities and the challenges change brings.

Commending the Adelphi Secondary on its initiatives to assist students in choosing career paths, Jeffers also implored students to make use of the knowledge provided during the Career Fair. She further stated that in preparing for life in a changing world, students must seek guidance from teachers and parents and God. She also advised that students must have a change in attitude in order to adapt positively to the change around them.

Principal of the school Hugh Thomas reminded the students that they can achieve whatever they put their minds to.

“Whatever the mind can conceive, you can achieve,” he said. He implored the students to make use of the information that is provided to them by the many facilitators present at the career fair as they will be exposed to information that will assist them in choosing a career path.

Thomas, however, lamented that though parents, teachers and students should be working together at the institution, parents have neglected their responsibility and teachers have to perform the role of parent, teacher, and counselor, inter alia.

The week of activities at the school included Interhouse public speaking and spelling bee competitions, an exhibition and an environmental day.(OS)