Sister reports 13-year-old Ikeisha of Belmont missing
October 11, 2011

Sister reports 13-year-old Ikeisha of Belmont missing

Mesha Quammie is hoping that whenever her sister is found, she is found alive.{{more}}

During an interview with SEARCHLIGHT on Monday, October 10, 2011, Mesha said she has not seen her sister, 13-year-old Ikeisha Quammie since September 19, 2011. She stated that the last time she saw her, she was at their home at Belmont.

Mesha says she believes her sister ran away in the middle of the night, as she took clothes with her, including her school uniform.

Ikeisha attends the West St. George Secondary School.

Mesha explained that this is not the first time that Ikeisha has run away from home, as she has done so several times before.

“I can’t even count,” Mesha said solemnly, about the number of times Mesha had left their home previously.

According to Mesha, Ikeisha started to run away from home some time in January this year. She explained that Mesha would run away from home, usually staying away for a few days, but no more than a week. Mesha added that she would usually return home within a week, or they would know where to find her, and go and bring her back home. She added that Ikeisha had been placed in counseling on numerous occasions, but refused to go back, as she complained that the counselor was ‘getting into her business’.

Since Ikeisha went missing three weeks ago, Mesha says that she has not heard from her; she has not been staying with any of her relatives and she has not gone to school.

Mesha said she has no idea where her sister is. Her only hope is that she is found soon, alive and well. According to Mesha, reports have been made to the police about her missing sister.