Young accident victim still recovering after tragic event
September 30, 2011

Young accident victim still recovering after tragic event

It’s been a year and nine months since a tragic accident changed Givorny Nimblett’s life forever.{{more}}

On January 12, 2010, Givorny, who resided at Fountain, was knocked down by a vehicle just a few yards away from his home.

The then 12-year-old student of the Thomas Saunders Secondary School was immediately rendered unconscious and was rushed to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, where he remained in a coma for several days.

Today, Givorny is doing much better, and although he may have suffered broken bones, brain injury and other internal injuries, his spirit and his radiant smile are still intact.

Searchlight visited Givorny and his family at their home at Overland on Wednesday, September 28, 2011.

A medical summary prepared by Dr. John Gill, Consultant/Neurosurgeon of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Barbados, states that Givorny was transferred to that hospital for evaluation of traumatic brain injury, a fracture of the distal left humerus, severe abrasion of the anterior abdominal wall and contusion of the lungs that was complicated by bilateral pneumonic consolidation.

According to Givorny’s father George Byron, Givorny has undergone several months of neurological therapy at hospitals in Cuba, but he was unable to complete treatment, as their financial resources have been exhausted.

Givorny is unable to walk; he can, however, sit up on his own, but needs help moving around. Though his speech is slurred, he can speak, not only English, but a bit of Spanish, too, as he proved by counting and saying a few sentences in Spanish. Some of this he learnt during his rehabilitation in Cuba, he said. He can read, though he is unable to write. According to his father, he can feed himself, though it takes some effort as his hands will shake often.

Byron said that he and Givorny spent six months in Cuba, during which time his condition improved significantly, though at first Givorny did not know where he was or who his father was.

“He kept asking me, ‘Who you be?’ I said, “I’m your dad.” Byron said he would then ask for his name, to which he told him “all the name I have.”

He said that it took a while for Givorny to recognize him and his surroundings.

Givorny, however, recalled the fun experiences in Cuba. As he smiled, eyes fixed on his father, he listed the places and persons he saw. They included a visit to the zoo, the museum and Casablanca in Havana.

Givorny also expressed hope to be able to walk before his birthday on May 12, 2012. Byron said that the doctors told him that Givorny will be able to walk once he undergoes physical therapy.

“I hoping that either he can go to a hospital in Cuba or one in America, which will be expensive,” Byron said.

Byron stated that he is in need of financial assistance to make Givorny’s complete recovery a reality.

Byron stated that the Givorny Nimblett Medical Fund at the National Commercial Bank (SVG) Ltd is still open; he is appealing to the public to make donations to Account Number: 2111371.

He added that he had to incur additional expenses, as during the passage of Tomas, the roof of his home was blown off and he was unable to receive assistance, and had to replace the roof himself. He added that he has also had to construct proper bathroom facilities for Givorny, as his home at Overland has an outside bathroom.

Givorny currently spends his time at home. He enjoys several hobbies such as playing dominoes and reading. He says he enjoys reading “The Making of a Comrade, the political journey of Ralph Gonsalves’ and a biography of Fidel Castro, former President of Cuba.

He hopes to become a businessman in the future, as according to him, he knows his maths, adding that he has always been a good math student.

Givorny expressed thanks to the Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves and the government and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. He also thanked the government and people of Barbados and Cuba and his school, the Thomas Saunders Secondary, for their assistance.

Byron reiterated his thanks as well for all the support given to Givorny.