Remains of missing Redemption Sharpes man found in sewage hole
September 16, 2011

Remains of missing Redemption Sharpes man found in sewage hole

by Audwin Andrews Fri, Sept 16. 2011

After weeks of extensive searching, family and friends of the late Anthony ‘Brassy’ Nero finally found the body of the 51-year-old; in the last place anyone would expect to find a human being.{{more}}

On Tuesday September 13, one day short of one month, since Nero went missing, the remains of his partly decomposed body were discovered in a sewage hole, just about three feet from the home of his former lover at “JP Bank” in Redemption Sharpes.

Joseph Anthony Browne, friend of the deceased, told SEARCHLIGHT that he was one of the individuals who discovered Brassy’s body.

“I came down here and saw the police searching the area, after other residents were complaining that they smelled foul air. So we started digging up the area and after a period of time not finding any evidence, the police left the scene,” Browne explained.

The residents were also asked to leave the area by the police, but a persistent Browne and other concerned individuals remained at the location and continued their search.

“On our way up the hill from where the deceased lived, I was reminded by another individual that there was another sewage hole located at the side of the house. We then decided to return and search that area to find out if the body was there. We used pieces of steel to dig through the dirt, but I was told that faeces was in the pit area. I told them that I didn’t care if filth was there; I just wanted to know if Anthony was in the hole.

“We continued searching the location using the steel, but then I noticed that there was a concrete slab that covered the pit, which was not sealed, and I decided to lift it. After lifting the slab, the other guy cried out, which triggered fear in me and I dropped the lid. I then asked him to lift it for me to see for myself and I saw the body,” an emotional Browne told SEARCHLIGHT.

Brassy, a labourer by profession, was described by Browne as a humble individual.

“We grew up together and he was not a bad individual. He was an ‘irie’ person to be around. He would go to work and return and drink his rum, but never troubled anyone.

“I feel real bad about it and I feel that everyone who was involved in this incident should be jailed!”

Meanwhile, sister of the deceased Alice Nero was also present at the scene of the discovery and with teary eyes, told SEARCHLIGHT that she was disgusted about where her late brother was discovered.

“I am hurt and feel very bad about what happen to my brother, because he didn’t deserve to die like this, in a sewage hole! I hope that justice will be done. We’ve been searching for him for weeks now and didn’t find him. We went as far as Fenton Mountain to search,” the distressed sister revealed.

Alice also disclosed how she was made aware of the probable location of her brother’s body.

“It is the lady who lives around here, met one of my other sisters and told her that someone had informed her they smelled a stink scent from their (Brassy and Stefforn Williams, common law wife of the deceased) toilet, as though there was a dead person inside.

“That’s when we gave the information to the police and they arrested her, but she was then released the same night (Monday, September 12). The following morning, I received a call and was told that they found him, but when I got here the body was not discovered until later this evening.”

Anthony ‘Brassy’ Nero is survived by his mother Cecelia Nero, 6 sisters, 3 brothers and one son.