BRAGSA working to clear roadways, affected areas
August 5, 2011

BRAGSA working to clear roadways, affected areas

Up to Wednesday this week, personnel at the Roads, Bridges and General Services Authority (BRAGSA) were working to ensure that the remaining roadways blocked by landslides which resulted from the heavy rains earlier in the week were cleared.{{more}}

Roxanne Millington, BRAGSA’s Communication Officer, gave SEARCHLIGHT an account of the cleanup operations that had gone into effect immediately following the heavy rains which affected the country throughout last weekend and into Monday this week.

According to Millington, there were two reported landslides in the North Leeward area and three reported in South Leeward.

She added that the affected areas had since been cleaned up.

There were numerous reports of landslides along the public road en route to the Marriaqua Valley.

Areas such as LaCroix, Bonhomme and Calder, according to Millington, had significant earth movements.

In the South Windward area of the country, Millington said that landslides were reported in Stubbs, Calder, Biabou, Lauders and Simon.

“Simon and Biabou were completely blocked, but have since been cleared,” she explained.

The residents in the North Windward sections of the country did not have to endure a repeat of the devastation that occurred in April this year.

When SEARCHLIGHT traveled to the Northern sections of the country, residents reported that there was nothing major.

There was nothing major to report in some of the interior sections of the country, including South Rivers and Park Hill.

Georgetown, Colonaire, Langley Park had no reports of damage, but sections of the road between Sandy Bay and Owia were temporarily blocked.

Millington confirmed that the residents of Georgetown and surrounding areas who were adversely affected earlier this year were spared this time around.

However, residents in Richmond Hill, Rockies, Murray’s Village and surrounding areas had some major cleanup work to do.

But while cleanup efforts were being conducted throughout the affected areas of the country, Millington explained that it was no easy feat.

“In terms of the geographic spread and the number of reported landslides and because we were utilizing private heavy equipment and they would have had previous engagements, we had to stretch our resources in terms of being able to clear the blockages,” BRAGSA’s marketing officer explained.

This warranted an appeal by Millington for more community cleanup efforts.

“There might be a small blockage in the area and some persons say let us wait for the authorities, but we want to encourage the community effort,” she said.

There was also a reminder to all residents to be aware of any secondary landslides that may occur.

“Although the rain has subsided, persons might figure the area is safe, but we want persons to be vigilant,” Millington told SEARCHLIGHT.