Three Digicel winners claim Fisherman’s Day raffle prizes
July 26, 2011

Three Digicel winners claim Fisherman’s Day raffle prizes

Libby Bruce, Shaldon May and Kaylene George are the winners of the Fisherman’s Day raffle which was drawn last Friday, July 15.{{more}}

Bruce, who took the first place prize won herself a Blackberry Pearl, compliments Digicel, while May who took the second place prize, got a 19 inch LCD television from Courts St. Vincent Ltd. George is now the owner of a bread maker donated to the raffle by Uptown International.

Collecting her new handset on Monday at the Fisheries Conference Room, Bruce said that she has been with Digicel for a very long time.

“I feel very excited that I won this phone”, said Bruce, who also revealed that she is a first time Blackberry owner.

May, who hails from Sandy Bay commented, “I feel glad and I will like to thank Courts for the television”.

Librarian at the Fisheries Department Roxanne Pompey said that the raffle was held to raise funds for Fisherman’s Day activities which were held in May. Pompey thanked Digicel, Courts and Uptown International, “for their generous donations that helped make the raffle a huge success”.

Digicel’s Channel Manager Gershom Dick, who was present to hand over the cellular device to Bruce explained that Digicel has been partnering with the Fisheries Department for the last four years.

“We have been sponsoring the fish night events and donating to this raffle is just another part of that sponsorship”, said Dick, who added that Digicel’s support of the Fisheries Department is “our way of giving back to them for the work they have been doing for the fisher-folk and the industry on a whole”.

“We are looking forward to doing more with them”, said Dick.