PDPA honours Vincycares
June 24, 2011

PDPA honours Vincycares


A Vincentian charitable organization has been honoured by the Progressive Democrats Political Association (PDPA) for its outstanding achievements and contributions to the children of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.{{more}}

On Saturday, June 18, 2011, VincyCares received a beautiful crystal award “for distinguished service to the Caribbean Community.”

Former NY Councilwoman Dr. Una Clarke, who heads up PDPA, shared that her organization is proud of the contributions and impact VincyCares has made to its homeland and encourages the group to continue the great work they are doing.

NY Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, daughter of Dr. Una Clarke, also presented the group with a Certificate of Congressional Recognition for their invaluable service to the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. In addition, the organization received citations from The Council of the City of New York, presented to persons who give exemplary service to their communities.

The event was attended by various dignitaries, including the Deputy Consul General, Edson C Augustus, and Dennie Wilson, former SVG ambassador to the UN.

Deputy Consul General Augustus, in his congratulatory speech to the group, acknowledged that VincyCares “selfless patriotic love and immeasurable contribution to the Vincentian community have been met with nothing short of rapturous gratitude.”

VincyCares acknowledged that they have strong commitment and support from the Vincentian community, but it is extra special to be supported and honored by the Caribbean community at large. They expressed gratitude to Vincentians Veronica Burnett and Stella Boyea-Ashby, who in recognizing what VincyCares has accomplished in such a short time, took action and nominated the group for this award.

This was a bittersweet moment for VincyCares, as they accepted this award 19 days after one of the group’s beloved members, Taswya Cambridge, Sr. passed on to be with the Lord. Members of Taswya’s family were also in attendance – her daughter Taswya, Jr. and brothers Harlon and Lucien. VincyCares accepted the award in Taswya’s honour, stating that she was a powerful woman who made a powerful impact on everyone she touched, and that her spirit will continue to guide VincyCares forever.

VincyCares was in the company of 10 other Caribbean nationals who received honours. Those in attendance enjoyed an elegant evening of cocktails and performances in celebration of Caribbean Heritage Month. The Brooklyn based United Vincie Cultural Group performed, among other songs, “Come to St. Vincent” – a catchy rendition that entices the listener to come enjoy our beautiful country.

VincyCares, while savoring the joys of this honor, is on the move. The Mega School Supply Drive is the pivotal event held by the group. Last year this event generated school supplies for 39 primary schools in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The group expects to surpass that this year, and the event to be held on September 3, 2011 – Labour Day Saturday, at Standard Shippers in Brooklyn, NY..