Union Fuels’ environmental clean-up
May 24, 2011

Union Fuels’ environmental clean-up

Students of the Sion Hill Government School had a day of fun and learning last week, as they participated in the Union Fuels Incorporated first environmental clean-up.{{more}}

The event took place on Friday, May 20, at the Indian Bay Beach, Villa.

Director of the Union Fuels Inc. St. Vincent, Al Martinez, told SEARCHLIGHT that the event is a part of the company’s mandate to serve the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Part of that responsibility, Martinez stated includes keeping the environment healthy. The activities for the day included the cleaning of the beach as well as learning about the importance of keeping the marine environment healthy. He added that more events of this nature will be planned as the company continues its efforts to promote a healthy social and ecological environment for Vincentians.

Daniela Chaulbaud, a Volunteer worker with Union Fuels Inc., also related that the goal of the activity was to promote a healthy marine environment.

“This was an initiative to serve this local community,” she stated.

Grade four students Julia Cordice, Elmesha Williams and Surana Harry all expressed their delight in being a part of the event on Friday. The girls said that not only were they having a good time at the beach, but they were also learning valuable lessons about the marine environment.

All of them related with enthusiasm, new learnt facts about the hazards of plastics left on the beach.

“We learnt that as humans, we use things that can destroy wildlife and the marine life, such as the nylon thread, that can be dangerous and the plastic. The turtle mistakes the plastic for jellyfish that they love to eat and when they eat it they choke and die so that’s why we should not throw plastic or any other things or garbage into the sea,” Harry explained.

The students also had advice for persons using the beach on how to keep the environment clean.

“SVG, every time you come to the Indian Bay beach or any other beach, I’m advising you to keep it clean and walk with a bag to keep your litter into, so you won’t affect the fishes and the environment of the beach,” Cordice said.

Teachers of the students, Bridgette Carr and Ynolde Hutchinson, reflecting on the event, stated that the day’s activities were a good incentive for the students.

“I think it’s a good idea,” Carr said about involving the students in the environmental clean-up. “It’s best if the children learn first hand the damage that can be done when you litter the beach and what can be done to the sea creatures. I think firsthand experience is the best thing because we might tell them in the classroom but when they actually come out and do hands on they learn better that way,” Carr continued.

Hutchinson added that the children, after taking part in the activity, will have a better appreciation for their environment and will in turn encourage other children and adults to keep the environment clean.

Materials collected during the clean-up activity included plastics, tins, nylon from fishermen’s nets and glass. Union Fuels Inc. is a recently established company in St. Vincent and the Grenadines that distributes petrol and LPG products. (OS)