John is Courts OECS Marketer of the Year
May 20, 2011

John is Courts OECS Marketer of the Year

Alexis John, Marketing Officer of the local branch of Furniture and Appliance giant Courts, has been bestowed the award of Courts Marketer of the Year, for the Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) region.{{more}}

John, who has been employed with Courts St. Vincent for the past 14 years, received his award last Wednesday, May 11, as Courts Marketing Officers from around the OECS met in St. Lucia for their annual two-day conference.

This is the first time that this award is being given in the regional group’s five year history, making John its inaugural winner.

John, who also won an award for Excellent Exposure for his efforts in 2010-2011, was lauded by Lorraine Sidonie, the Chief Marketing Officer of Courts OECS.

The St. Lucia based Sidonie, speaking exclusively to SEARCHLIGHT, said that John received the coveted award because, among other things, he was ‘in tune’ with local idiosyncrasies and what happens in the local market.

“That’s Alexis’ strength; he understands marketing. Moreso, he understands brand building and brand equity, so he’s able to represent the Courts Brand in St. Vincent,” Sidonie said.

“He’s been able to take what is conceptualized at the OECS level and give it a Vincy flavor, and he’s excellent in terms of exposing the brand through his press releases, in-store activation, events in the store, the marketing material, and if one thing doesn’t make sense and wouldn’t appeal to the Vincy market, he can pick up on that easily.

“So it’s based on those factors, more than anything else, he was able to get that title of Marketer of the Year,” she added.

Sidonie said that she was extremely proud of John, whom she said has the right attitude and has worked hard and performed a ‘job well done’.

She said that the teamwork shown by the various departments of the local branch has helped Courts St. Vincent to hold its own in the OECS, as well as in the wider region, and this was particularly driven by John and the marketing department.

“I just want to say well done and keep up the good work,” Sidonie added.

When contacted by SEARCHLIGHT for a response, John said that he was deeply moved and humbled by the awards.

John, being modest about his accomplishments, said that he realized that his accomplishments are for yesterday’s performance, and that he is aware that the marketing environment is constantly changing, and as a result, he needs to ensure that he keeps in tune with every development caused by micro and macro factors.

“I would like to thank God first and foremost for helping me attain my goals, and also special thanks to Team SVG and my colleagues in the OECS islands, as well as OECS Marketing for their huge support. I would describe our efforts as “team play”.

John also expressed his love for the Courts Brand, saying: “I love everything that it represents. I’m urging every customer to stay loyal to us, as 2011 is the season of greater value at Courts”.